FRCR is the acronym for Fellow of Royal College of Radiologists. To qualify for the fellowship, a candidate should pass a three-step examination conducted by the Royal College of Radiologists (UK). After the successful completion of the exam candidates are further inducted as fellows of the Royal College of Radiologists. Besides, FRCR Part 2 A is the second exam that needs to be cleared. Read on to know more about the exam.
Furthermore, FRCR Part 2 A examination is made up of two MCQ based written papers.
Syllabus Of the Exam
The main systems included are cardiothoracic and vascular, MSK and trauma, GI, GU including adrenals, OB GYN, pediatric, CNS and head & neck. The official website of RCR further provides detailed information on the syllabus and curriculum.
Structure Of the Exam
FRCR Part 2 A consisted of 6 modules till 2017. Besides, these could be taken together or individually. Six attempts were allowed to clear all modules. This provision no longer exists. Even if you have only 1 modality to clear, you have to complete 2A entirely as per the new exam structure.
FRCR Part 2 A exam consists of two papers from December 2017. Besides, each paper comprises 120 single best answer questions (SBAs). These questions further cover the entire spectrum. Furthermore, duration of each paper is three hours and both are conducted on the same day.
How To Go About the Exam?
You can find all the necessary information about the exam paper in the FAQ section on FRCR Part 2 on the official website of RCR. A good understanding of radiology is necessary to secure pass marks for this exam.
Every modality is given equal weightage. MCQ books can be used as a guide. They can help you stay focused and self-evaluate. However, you should not make them the basis of your preparation.
You will find a lot of resources online that can aid you in your exam preparation. Notes on gastrointestinal radiology, genitourinary system, cardiovascular and thoracic, CNS and Head & Neck, musculoskeletal radiology and trauma, pediatrics and general snippets are available for your perusal.
Podcasts for the FRCR Part 2 A preparation are available for free online. They can be downloaded easily. You can listen to them during the commute or when you are too lazy to open your books.
The apt time to attempt the FRCR Part 2 A exam is within 1 or 2 years of completing residency. The venues for the exam include Belfast, Birmingham, Cairo – Egypt, Crewe, Edinburgh, Glasgow, Hong Kong, Hyderabad – India, Leeds, London, Malta, Plymouth, Singapore, and Bridgend Wales.
Hope you found the information helpful. All the best with your FRCR Part 2 preparation!!